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Showing posts from December, 2017

Some facts about the forest

Dzalanyama Forest Reserve is located within Dzalanyama mountain ranges some 61Km South-Western side of Lilongwe city. The hills are gentle sloped and lies between an altitude of 1100-1650M above the sea level. The reserve falls within tropical savanna woodland climate and has Miombo woodland type of vegetation whose dominant species are the Julbernardia paniculata. The soils are predominantly sandy clay loams. The reserve recieves an average rainfall of about 840-960 mm and has temperatures between 19 and 21 degrees celcius. The total area of the reserve is estimated at 989.094sq Km.

Welcome to Dzalanyama Forest Reserve

Hello, my name is Daniel Tomlin Kabichi and I am the Assistant Plantation Manager residing in Dzalanyama Forest Reserve. On this blog I will show all the treasures hidden inside the forest. I will take you on regular walks through the reserve and together we will not only learn more about the plants growing here, but you will also meet some of the amazing animals living inside the forest. I hope that by showing you all these creatures we all better understand why it is so important to continue to protect Dzalanyama Forest as good as we can. Scadoxus multiflorus